A Collaboration with PUAM and North Shore Community Development
I've been working with North Shore Community Development Coalition and Punto Urban Art Museum as one of 25 Massachusetts-based artists for COVID awareness pieces that help connect North Shore residents with necessary resources. Here's my piece which was designed as a postcard mailer! You can view the other 24 artists work in the upcoming weeks on both the previously mentioned social media channels!
Here's a brief description of my project:
While we are more than our productivity and commercial value, our finances are intrinsically linked to our most basic survival.
Marginalized communities are uniquely vulnerable to exploitation. This pandemic leaves many weighing their financial stability against their health and that of others. Marginalized communities don’t have the same social capital to access their rights. While society’s most privileged have the ability to seek new terms of employment, those who rely on work for VISA sponsorship, healthcare, and more have less leverage at the table.
I wanted to find different organizations specialized in the rights of working minorities to help navigate their often preemptive returns (or continuations) at work while highlighting the social webs impacted by the outward ripples of workplace conditions. I play on imagery of the divine through the pairing of bronzed cupped hands outward reached as if for Communion that instead are poised to receive hand sanitizer, a on of the potentially life saving interventions during these times.
English Version
Spanish Version
Resources Listed
Employers MUST provide workers certain protections to keep you safe.
Social Distancing
Remain at least 6ft apart to the greatest extent possible
Signage for social distancing
Face masks/coverings at all times (you may need to bring your own protective gear)
Comply with all industry specific terms
Wash hands frequently and properly (at least 20 seconds with soap and water)
Regularly sanitize high touch areas (e.g. door knobs, payment kiosks, etc)
For More Information on Your Rights
Mass Gov’s information on layoffs, unemployment, and employer obligations (available in English, Portuguese, Spanish, and Mandarin) tinyurl.com/massgovcovidfaq
Massachusetts Jobs with Justice: www.massjwj.net | 617.433.8391
WBUR’s quick facts: tinyurl.com/workplacequickfacts
Support for undocumented workers in Western MA: pvworkerscenter.org | 413-570-3060
For COVID-19 Text Alerts in Spanish, text “COVIDMAESP” to 888-777.
Chinese Progressive Association: cpaboston.org
Have your rights been violated?
Attorney General's Fair Labor Division: (617) 727-3465
M-F 10 am - 4 pm
Los empleadores DEBEN brindar a los trabajadores ciertas protecciones para mantenerlo a salvo.
Distanciamiento social
Permanezca al menos a 6 pies de distancia en medida de lo posible
Señalización de distanciamiento social
Mascarillas / cubiertas en todo momento (es posible que deba traer su propio equipo de protección)
Cumpla con todos los términos específicos de la industria
Lávese las manos con frecuencia y adecuadamente (al menos 20 segundos con agua y jabón)
Desinfecte regularmente las áreas de alto contacto (p. ej., perillas de puertas, quioscos de pago, etc.)
Para más información sobre sus derechos
Información masiva del gobierno sobre despidos, desempleo y obligaciones del empleador (disponible en inglés, portugués, español y mandarín) tinyurl.com/massgovcovidfaq
Trabajos con justicia en Massachusetts: www.massjwj.net | 617.433.8391
Datos rápidos de WBUR: tinyurl.com/workplacequickfacts
Apoyo a trabajadores indocumentados en MA occidental: pvworkerscenter.org | 413-570-3060
Para las alertas de texto de COVID-19 en español, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra "COVIDMAESP" al 888-777.
Asociación Progresista China: www.cpaboston.org
¿Se han violado sus derechos?
División de Trabajo Justo del Procurador General: (617) 727-3465
Lunes a viernes de 10 a.m. a 4 p.m.